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The goals of the Golden Gate Akita Club (GGAC)  and its membership are to:

  1. Encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Akitas

  2. Do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of Akitas by providing educational information about the breed to its members and the general public

  3. Encourage good sportsmanship at dog shows

  4. Share our love for this impressive breed


The Golden Gate Akita Club (GGAC) was established in 1970 and is a member of the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Akita Club of America (ACA). As of the spring of 1995, GGAC has the AKC’s approval to hold its own Independent Akita Specialty Show, Sweepstakes Competitions, and Obedience trials.

GGAC Board



Tracy West



Corresponding Secretary

Stacey Borrmann



Vice President

Becky App



Jeremy Ellis




Paul Borrmann



Recording Secretary

Lilly Ellis



Herald Editor &

Web Master

Tracy West

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